Net Zero Plan

As part of our environmental ambition, we’re aiming to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030.


We’re committed to protecting the environment and we know you are too. For over a decade, measuring and managing our greenhouse gas emissions has been a key element in our company strategy. We’ve already made positive progress towards our 2030 targets.


Our Net Zero Plan shows how we can work together to accelerate our efforts to achieve our net zero carbon goal.

What’s net zero and why is it important?

Tackling carbon emissions is key to reducing the harmful greenhouse gases which cause climate change.

The disastrous effects of climate change, such as extreme weather, can already be seen.

That’s why we’ve been involved in developing the sector’s routemap to commit to zero emissions by 2030 – 20 years ahead of the UK government’s national zero carbon goal. 

How are we going to reach net zero?

Our Net Zero Plan sets out our journey towards zero carbon.

We use a lot of energy to treat and pump water and wastewater. There are also emissions from the water treatment process as well as our transport fleet.

To reach net zero, we’re going to:

  • reduce and avoid emissions by saving energy
  • replace energy dependent on carbon with renewable sources or alternative lower carbon methods
  • remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere by supporting projects which do this by sequestration – a natural process where carbon is absorbed from the atmosphere
  • offset any remaining emissions responsibly.

We’ll work closely with all our stakeholders to make our plan work, while keeping our customers informed about what we’re doing. We’ll be tracking and reporting our progress so that everyone can see how we’re doing.

Our pledges show how committed we are to:
  • buy 100% fully accredited renewable-backed power from our energy suppliers from April 2021
  • aim to generate 24% of our own renewable energy by 2025
  • transform our company vehicles by electrifying the fleet or introducing alternative low carbon fuels by 2030
  • aim for nature based solutions and work in partnership with other organisations
  • report progress and our emissions annually in a transparent way
  • support collaborative research, development and innovation to make technological advances.


Find out more details in our plan:

Net Zero Plan

How you can help – by being water wise

Water efficiency helps reduce the amount of water processed. We aim to reduce the number of water leaks by half and continue to encourage everyone to use water wisely through our Target 100 campaign.

You can help too. Please report a leak if you spot one while you're out and about, and save water in and around your home.